Liquid Supplements for People and Pets
Healthy Living Blog

COVID and Melatonin – is there a connection? →

Importance of B-Vitamins When on a Keto Low-Carb Diet →

Surprising Health Benefits of Pumpkin Spice →
We support the lifelong and evolving process of achieving wellness.
We are liquid vitamin and supplement wholesalers and retailers. We sell products for both pets and people. Why liquid vitamins? Because liquids are easy to digest and absorb, supporting optimum health and desired activity levels. Our goal is to provide effective products backed by solid science and delivered with competent and courteous service. The ENP line includes our people products. We also sell glucosamine joint formulas for animals.
Great taste, HIGH bioavailable curcumin
Website Disclaimer
We sell dietary supplements. Dietary supplements and related marketing materials are not regulated by the FDA. Effective Natural Products promotes this website for informational purposes only. The "content" included (text, images, graphics and any/all other material) is not intended as a medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. This content has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and none of our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Seek advice from your physician regarding any and all medical conditions. Information from a health website should never replace your physician/patient relationship. We do not endorse or recommend any physicians, tests, opinions, outside products or procedures that may be mentioned on this site. Reliance on any information provided is at your own risk. does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA).