Healthy Living Blog — depression

Can a pet dog help with depression?

depression dog pets

Can a pet dog help with depression?

October is National Adopt-a-Dog month. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about 3.3 million dogs end up in shelters each year. While each of those dogs are in need of love and a good home, they also have SO much to offer. Studies report that people, with a dog for a pet, end up being both healthier and happier. A survey conducted by the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute discovered that 74% of pet owners found having a pet improved their mental health. Why is that? Dogs provide…  Improved mood Dogs are naturally happy, living in...

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B is for Benefits!

biotin complex depression energy folic acid liquid neuropathy niacin riboflavin stress response thiamine vitamins

B is for Benefits!

VITAMIN B-COMPLEX – the eight B vitamins in a compound, playing an important role in our health. These essential nutrients help convert food into fuel, allowing us to stay energized throughout the day. The B’s work in tandem but also have their own singular benefits from preventing migraines to supporting healthy hair and skin. Proponents claim that B-complex vitamins can help with a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, heart disease and neuropathy. Many people take vitamin B-complex to support healthy stress response, improve memory and enhance their immune system. B1 - Thiamine: helps the body make new cells, supports nerve...

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Brain Fog - be gone! Reasons for loss of FOCUS and the herbs and supplements that can help.

anxiety calm confusion depression focus hormone changes lack of concentration menopause stress thyroid problems

Brain Fog - be gone! Reasons for loss of FOCUS and the herbs and supplements that can help.

Brain fog is not a medically recognized term but is a commonly used phrase that sums up feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, and lack of focus and mental clarity. Having brain fog is fairly common, but it’s not normal. There are many reasons for loss of focus or “Brain Fog”.

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