Healthy Living Blog — sleep

COVID and Melatonin – is there a connection?

covid-19 mealatonin melatonin Restorative Slumber sleep sleep aid sleep tips

COVID and Melatonin – is there a connection?

Can melatonin prevent or lessen the severity of COVID 19? That’s the buzz around the web as of late. We dug into the studies to better understand the possible link to COVID prevention and treatment through the use of melatonin.

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11 Tips for Navigating Daylight Saving Time

circadian rhythm daylight saving time good sleep sleep

11 Tips for Navigating Daylight Saving Time

The time has arrived to "fall back" an hour. For many, this change in schedule presents a possible disruption in sleep. There are some very effective tips and tricks that can make adjusting to daylight saving time, and getting good sleep, easier.

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Super Ingredient Series: Melatonin

melatonin sleep sleep aid

Super Ingredient Series: Melatonin

What is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone created in the brain. It helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle. Melatonin production is affected by the time of day and amount of light. Usually, the body produces more melatonin as it gets to be evening time and darker, and less when it is day and full light. Melatonin can also be taken as a supplement and is a very popular way to aid sleep, especially for those who have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep as well as a lack of energy during the day.  What are the benefits? Melatonin offers the...

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Zoom Fatigue - It's a Thing

enhanced focus focus immunity mood boost peak vision restorative slumber sleep smart multi super b complex vision

Zoom Fatigue - It's a Thing

Having to stay 6 feet apart from people, we are solving this problem with various types of video communication. But what are the negative effects of this on our mental and physical health - and how can we combat them?

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Important Reasons to Get Your Beauty Sleep

beauty sleep benefits of sleep Good sleep quality sleep Restorative Slumber sleep

Important Reasons to Get Your Beauty Sleep

You’ve heard people talk about needing their “beauty sleep” but did you ever stop to think about the truth behind those words? “Beauty sleep” refers to the sleep that is needed in order to make a person feel and look healthy and attractive. WebMD recommends 7 to 9 quality hours of sleep each night to see the beauty improvements of: Fewer wrinkles A glowing complexion Brighter eyes/without bags or dark circles Healthier & fuller hair A happier, healthier appearance The benefits of good sleep go well beyond the outward appearance. Sleep helps us look AND feel better. Getting good rest also...

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