Healthy Living Blog

How to Take Care of Your Newly Adopted Dog

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How to Take Care of Your Newly Adopted Dog

The decision to adopt a dog will bring many mental and physical health benefits. As a dog owner it is up to you to provide a healthy and happy life for your new canine friend. Follow the suggested tips to give the best care to your furry pal. 

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Can Curcumin Turmeric Prevent or Help with Breast Cancer?

breast cancer cancer curcumin turmeric

Can Curcumin Turmeric Prevent or Help with Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women in the United States during their lifetime. It is important to watch for symptoms and take prevention steps. One of the most important prevention steps is regular screening. Studies also indicate that curcumin turmeric has great potential in preventing and treating cancer.

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Identifying Depression in Yourself and Others

Identifying Depression in Yourself and Others

Are you or someone you love struggling to feel joy in life? Maybe you are feeling overwhelming fatigue and lack of focus. Perhaps there is no interest in activities that used to bring excitement and pleasure. All of these are signs you may be dealing with depression.

Each of us wants to live a fulfilling, happy life. Dealing with depression makes that very difficult but there is help! Look for the signs of depression in your own life or those you love and take steps to reach for a better life today.

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Can a pet dog help with depression?

depression dog pets

Can a pet dog help with depression?

October is National Adopt-a-Dog month. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about 3.3 million dogs end up in shelters each year. While each of those dogs are in need of love and a good home, they also have SO much to offer. Studies report that people, with a dog for a pet, end up being both healthier and happier. A survey conducted by the Human-Animal Bond Research Institute discovered that 74% of pet owners found having a pet improved their mental health. Why is that? Dogs provide…  Improved mood Dogs are naturally happy, living in...

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Why is a Stable Blood Sugar Important?

blood sugar diabetes healthy balance

Why is a Stable Blood Sugar Important?

Blood sugar is the main fuel for the body and comes from the food you eat. Maintaining a stable blood sugar level is very important for everyone. Managing blood sugar can be accomplished through a healthy diet and good lifestyle choices.

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